Welcome to the Medical Trauma Support Blog!

I’m so glad you are here. I started this blog for a few reasons, and the first reason is to educate people about medical trauma. Another reason is because I want to validate your experiences and let you know that you are not alone. Medical trauma is a trauma that many of us experience and it may have happened in childhood and/or adulthood. I also felt very motivated to start this blog because I want to offer resources to those of you who have already experienced medical trauma as well as to people who are emotionally preparing for upcoming medical procedures and might be able to prevent or minimize medical trauma. I will share more in future blogs, but I have seen firsthand the benefit of emotionally preparing a child before a medical procedure. Finally, I want you to know that healing from medical trauma is possible! I hope you enjoy these posts and find support and validation in the words.


Preparing Your Child for a Medical Procedure